What I'm Reading

I have a confession to make.
I’m not a reader.
I know, I know…I’m a librarian. All librarians are readers, right? Well, I read – but not voraciously. Let me tell you a story…
When I was growing up, I watched TV. A lot. I don’t know why or how it happened, but I managed to become the poster child of the TV generation. But – get this. In the process, I learned to read. Granted, at first, most of the words were “Pow!,” “Ooof!,” and “Boom!”
One day, my Mom was reading the newspaper, and I was sitting on the floor in front of her. Instead of playing, as most 4-year-olds are wont to do, I was babbling. Then, my mother figured out that I was reading the back of the newspaper to her.
So, what does this have to do with me not being a reader? Well, once my Mom figured out I COULD read, she tried to get me to read everything. OK, not everything…just what SHE wanted me to read. Therefore I had to read things like “Little Women.” I hated it. I was being force-fed books which held no interest for me, and it actually turned me off the process of reading books.
Having said that, I do read books – just not as many as most people think a librarian would. And yes, I know lots of librarians who read everything in sight. Nancy Pearl is a great example, and I’ve been honored to meet her. If you ever see Book Lust or More Book Lust, pick them up. These titles are great for those people who searching for a suggested book.
What am I reading at the moment? My favorite humorist, Dave Barry. His latest book, Dave Barry's Money Secrets: Like: Why is There a Giant Eyeball on the Dollar? is laugh-out-loud funny. Of course, I think every word that he writes is laugh-out-loud funny.
I’ve also got waiting for me the latest book by Al Franken entitled The Truth (With Jokes). This man is smart…and is also not afraid to pull punches. He makes me laugh and cry at the same time. On the other hand, I don't think George W. Bush will be inviting him to dinner at the White House any time soon.
And then there’s The Kite Runner. Clay Aiken suggested the book in his Official Fan Club Blog. Since I’m a sheep for almost anything Clay suggests, I interlibrary loaned it. (I could have bought it, but why? I work at a library. *g*) The copy is sitting by my bed…and I think I’m afraid to open it. From what I’ve heard about it, both from Clay and other people who’ve read it, I’m scared I’ll get way too emotionally involved in this story. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to read a highly charged piece of fiction. I’ll get to it by the end of summer though.
So, am I a bad librarian? Or just one that would rather spend time on the computer?
Wait, don’t answer that...
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, Al Franken, Dave Barry, Nancy Pearl, The Kite Runner
I don't see how you could be a bad librarian. You just recommended some good books! I went to Amazon and put Book Lust on my wishlist. Thanks.
10:11 PM
Love Al Franken and you'll really enjoy this new book. And Kite Runner - I read it before Clay suggested and and then squealed out loud when he blogged about it. It is a remarkable first book. Do not be afraid of getting involved in it. You will. And it will be worth it.
10:23 PM
Hey! Another librarian who isn't a voracious reader! Imagine that?? *g*
10:11 AM
Hey, we like all the same writers! So I guess you've read Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot, then? *g* And I think I have all of Dave Barry's books. I especially love his Book of Bad Songs (I think that's what it's called). If you like Dave Barry, I highly recommend Joe Queenan's Red Lobster, White Trash and Blue Lagoon, which is one of the funniest things I've ever read, bar none...I was reading it on the bus once and was nearly dragged off to the psychiatric ward.
9:30 PM
Hi, I love your blog. I am one of those voracious readers!! Not literature (shudders) but all kinds of fiction. I didn't learn to read until I went to school because, frankly, there wasn't much to read in my house. My parents were not readers. I whizzed through the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys......by the time I was about 10 I was checking books out of the adult section of the public library and swearing to the Librarian they were for my mother. I suspect she knew better, LOL. So my son grew up in a house stuffed with books and, go figure, he hates to read.
I should have been a librarian, huh?
PS: The Kite Runner is sitting on my pile of unread books...I'm not sure I'm saving it for the proper time or dreading it.
9:58 AM
Oh!!! please read "the Kite Runner" -- it's excellent .. just have some tissues nearby
7:53 PM
Hey, I write books and edit books all day long. The last thing I want to do is read a book. Doesn't stop me from having my own personal ridiculously large library of them. And yep, Kite Runner is in the stack.
I usually have 4-5 going at once. And it takes me a year to get through them. I just can't sit still that long... well, unless I'm on my computer. *g*
Oh, I hated Little Women too. But Batman was way cool! Hee.
1:09 AM
I used to mainline books. One summer I checked 100 out of my school library and read them all. The past 3 years or so *whistles innocently* I've kind of been preoccupied. But I've gotten back into it recently, and am currently enjoying a British murder/mystery series by Stephen Booth. I have eclectic tastes in books as well as music....horror, romance, historical fiction, biographies....pretty much anything but comedy. Not sure why I don't enjoy those. Maybe I should pick up a few of the ones suggested here and give them a try.
I read the Kite Runner over a few days, and I absolutely recommend that you give it a whirl. Someone else, who was only a few chapters in, asked me if it got any "happier". I am not sure happiness is really prevalent in the book at all, but I found the end quite hopeful. There were lots of moments where I had to stop reading and just walk away, but the story was so engaging, I picked it back up each time and continued on. I'm really glad I persevered and finished it.
10:00 AM
Your favorite author sure is cute! *g*
I just finished the Kite Runner last night. I was hesitant to start but I had borrowed it from a friend and I didn't want to be one of those friends who doesn't return books for months so I made myself pick it up. It left me emotionally drained but gave me lots to think about. And, yes, tissues are a must.
10:13 PM
What a cool picture of Clay !!!
I bought The Kite Runner but have not read it yet either . . . it's not usually the type of book I read but I have heard it is hard to put down once to you start reading it.
10:31 PM
Read the book! It's a great book, and emotional, but in a way that makes you think and feel.
I put a few of my favorite books on my profile. I love to read, but I don't have a lot of time. My favorite book is probably A Soldier of The Great War. It's not a war book. It's a people story.
And p.s. you aren't a bad librarian! But it's funny that you are a librarian given your story!
11:39 AM
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